


Sindyanna of Galilee has been a member of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) since 2003 (Registration Certificate). Demonstrating 100% commitment to Fair Trade and consistency with the goal of Fair Trade, which is to enable producers to improve their livelihoods and communities through trading with agreed set of principles. Read more about our work with the WFTO.

Fair For Life

fair for life

Sindyanna Received the Highest Rating – 5 ”Fair for Life” Leaves
Sindyanna of Galilee and its award-winning olive oil received the highest possible Fair for Life performance rating of five leaves (stars) from the Institute for Marketecology (IMO).
Sindyanna of Galilee has received the Fair for Life – Social & Fair Trade Certification and is a certified operator under the Social Responsibility and FairTrade program.

Fair for Life’s Evaluation of Social Impact of Sindyanna of Galilee:
”Sindyanna of Galilee is a not-for-profit organisation with strong social and political commitments. It aims to improve the working conditions and livelihoods of Arab women in the region, who are a clearly marginalised group within the society. On the political level, Sindyanna of Galilee is committed to inter-religious understanding by contracting Muslim, Jewish and Christian women. Manifestations are organised. Sindyanna of Galilee organises specific trainings to empower its workers, such as trainings on basket weaving. The atmosphere at the working place is very friendly and warm and so is the relationship between the management and the workers.”

Fair for Life’s Evaluation of Use of Fair Trade Premium
“Sindyanna of Galilee shows its commitment to Fair Trade by using the Fair Trade Premium entirely for social projects such as capacity-building of women in new skulls, organising meetings with women cooperatives and supporting Arabic artists.”

Specialty Food Association

SFA_LOGO_RED_YELLOW_BGSindyanna of Galilee is a member in the Specialty Food Association – a community of food artisans, purveyors and importers who bring craft, care and joy to the distinctive foods they sell. The association provides its 3,000+ members in the U.S. and abroad the tools, knowledge and connections to
nurture their companies in an always-evolving marketplace.